#2: Everything springs from our relationship with God

Sometimes we like to compartmentalize our lives. We have our work lives, our home lives, our church lives, our relationship with God, and so on. We can tend to think that they are their own separate entities. The truth of the matter is, however, that the parts of our lives really do matter to each […]

10 things to Remember for 2013: #1 – Your life has purpose

As we go fearlessly into 2013 knowing that God is for us, there are a few foundational things that we need to keep packed for the journey. So in this January series on my blog, we will touch on ten things that God has said in His Word, principles that He works by, that will […]

New series is coming here!

Happy 2013 everyone! As we launch forward into 2013, I believe that it is always good to be reminded of some foundational things. We are moving with God on this life adventure, and there are some things He says to us that we have got to keep percolating in our minds and hearts throughout this […]

A great manicure at home!

One of my goals in 2013 is to streamline the use of my time. I do a lot of my pampering at home, and my nail care is no exception. Seeing as some of you all might have the same goal, so I want to share my tips for a quick and lasting manicure to […]