The power of a Post-It

Welp, in case you didn’t know: my life isn’t perfect. That is right, my attitude isn’t always on point, I have more pounds to lose than I care to admit, and there are SEVERAL organization/purge projects that I am either working on or need to start.

I am a regular person, just like you and others I meet.

Yet, I feel extraordinary. I feel beautiful. I feel like I can conquer things, and apparently it shows. How do I know? Because of this Post-it note my eldest daughter left me the other day:

I was blown away. After all, she sees me at HOME, where I let my hair down. She sees some of my weaknesses, yet she thinks this of me? Wow. She must see something that I believe about me deep down. And she wrote it down so that I could be reminded of it too 🙂

Who can you encourage today with a simple Post-it note, or notecard? Don’t just say it verbally…sometimes it can get lost in all the noise of the day. No, take a moment to put it in writing. that way, they can keep it forever (or at least a very long time, with the help of clear tape or lamination, lol).

I have my note taped in my office…and I am boosted every time I see it. Thanks Dominique for showing me the power of a Post-it and your power filled words!


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